Monday, June 4, 2012

time for everything but the dishes

Baby Heather by ceck0face
Baby Heather, a photo by Digital Heather on Flickr.

This is me making cookies when I was maybe 5 or 6. I don't understand the strange pose, but it's neat because I'm beginning a personal baking challenge that I'll come back to in a second.

This personal blog is over a year old already. That really blows my mind. I'll keep my cliches and idioms about "time" to myself.

This time last year, I was in the hospital and on the verge of losing my job/career to a dumb disease I never asked for. I feel like I toot my own horn to the beat of my sob story a lot. Do I? Well it's a personal blog for a reason, eh? Anyway. My point is I'm thankful. I say that a lot. But it's true. I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm thanking God every day. I used to hate working Sundays but I thanked God for my new job, working in a place I love and for people I adore. I have no qualms with working on the Sabbath. I spent a year in bed-- my Sundays are for living. Deal with it.

I've been busy, well busy for me at least. My 30 hubs in 30 days challenge for May was a disaster. I think I produced the least amount of material than any other month. I'm trying it again and to make it easier and more advantageous, I'm modeling it after a contest that's also going on. So for 30 days, I'm making a dessert every day. This was an awesome and terrible idea. Baking/cooking and then blogging about it can take a good chunk of my afternoon. Plus I'm still writing for work, working a few days a week and also spending time with my husband when we're both home.

There's time for everything but the dishes. I want a dishwasher so badly but it just has to wait, unfortunately. Anyway. I've made it three days with the dessert/writing challenge and so far so good. My only concern is gaining even more weight. I'm trying to lose weight (although when I say lose I mean through wishful thinking and not anything that I'm actively doing) and I ate the majority of the bread pudding I made the other day. Oh and well my other plan was to just hurry up and get pregnant and then when no one is looking just blame my weight gain on that. Blah.

I can't believe I get paid to prattle on...

My ciabatta bread pudding recipe/article

My latest popculture-work-blog about the history of the rerun.

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