I’ve lived in Arizona for 30+ years with no complaints. I’ve traveled to almost every united state, but Arizona remains my favorite.
I have a strong background in customer service, sales and management. I managed a very popular video game store that you’ve no doubt heard of before. After five years living that dream, I got a nice taste of the economy and was laid off. It was a blessing though because the politics that dictate the video game industry are a’changin’ and it was probably a good time to take a bow.
These days I’m getting fair mileage from my journalism degree. I blog and write for various websites as a freelance writer. Does this mean I do nothing all day and write in my underwear? Sometimes.
I married my long-time love in 2011. We started dating in 2003 so you could say we took our time! We live in a small Arizona town with our dog-child, a Husky named Bowie.
I enjoy all things pop culture. I’m happiest when I’m snapping a beautiful photo, working on a DIY project, crafting, and or baking/cooking. I cook/bake and craft something everyday. Life is awesome that way. You can check out my food and projects by clicking the DIY with Heather's Help tab at the top.
This blog is about me-- whatever that means or entails. I talk a lot about my health (I have level 3 endometriosis, a history of pulmonary emboli, and two blood mutations: factor 2 and lupus anticoagulant), my infertility journey, and my twice-fleeting struggle with my sanity when I attempted suicide and did a brief stint in a loony bin. Life in general. I talk about it because these are things that need to be talked about. I know what it's like to struggle in so many ways and my intent is to shed light and offer comfort because these plights are not just mine. My struggles are really silent epidemics that need to be addressed. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed. This is life. So let's talk about it.
You can always reach me by e-mail: heatherhinch@gmail.com.