Tuesday, October 15, 2013

carrying the torch for some mysteries

like snowflakes by Digital Heather
like snowflakes, a photo by Digital Heather on Flickr.

I just figured out my Halloween costume. Can't tell cause you'll copy me. I just might make it a diy article. Who knows. Ideas are just ideas until I actually get moving.

I straightened my hair today to see exactly how long it was getting. Since this never happens, I figured I'd share.

I'm back to a schedule of being awake 30+ hours then sleeping for 3 and then 30 and 3 rinse, repeat. Not on purpose. Not because I'm some kind of fancy doctor with a life. Just my body and pain. It stinks. I'd like to go back on a sleeping aide (I've probably mentioned this a million times already) but I think that's part of what made me go crazy. Twice. So never mind.

In the meantime I'm watching a ton of Netflix. I can't watch scary movies and even the mildly scary ones that I can watch I will only watch during the day and with another person. But my husband is gone during the day. So I compromised and watched a documentary about The Shining, called Room 237.

It's mildly interesting. I always spoil things for everyone so SPOILER ALERT!!-- but they say that Kubrick filmed the fake moon landing and the Shining is his kind of story/confession to that. It's seriously interesting. They also talk a lot about the parallels between the film and themes of genocide against the Jews and the native Americans. I felt kind of cheated for never hearing any of this ever before, especially not in any of the like four college film classes I took (the parallels, not the conspiracy theory stuff).

Having said of all of this, the documentary is also filmed very strangely and some of the people talking take forever to convey their points or findings as if they are still forming opinions in real time. I literally yelled at the TV... "T-t-t-today, Junior!" (Quoting Billy Madison like it's still 1995) And it sounds like parts were filmed using Skype as one guy has to get up to go to another room and quiet his noisy child. Watch the first half for sure but only watch the rest if you've got nothing else to do. There are some gems and pearls worth hearing but you have to fish through the turds to get there. I was disappointed that they never made any mention of the weird scene with a maybe-sex-act between the man and the person in the dog suit. I have spent my entire life (I saw this movie way before I should have) wondering about it and if I don't know by now, I don't think I want to Google and know. I need to keep carrying the torch for some mysteries.

My Halloween cookies are featured on the stir dot com. My week has been made so I'm staying in bed 'til Friday.


  1. gorgeous picture of you with your straightened hair!

  2. Thanks! It was boy-short this time last year and growing it out has been such a journey :)
