Saturday, June 22, 2013

trying to catch up

my kitchen table by ceck0face
my kitchen table, a photo by Digital Heather on Flickr.

I finished writing my kitchen table tutorial. You can read about it here. I love it so much. I did it about two months ago. The table is called Ingo and came from Ikea for $69.99. Originally it was unfinished pine and I stained it using vinegar and a steel wool pad. And that's it. Super cheap and easy. Check the tutorial. Seriously. The chairs are also from Ikea and were $50.00 each.

You can see a sneak peak of the bottom of my china cabinet too. More on that next time.

Nothing else yet. No pain. No spotting. I noticed my appetite has really dropped off and I lost a few pounds. I've mostly just been immersing myself in my freelance writing and trying to catch up. My table tutorial was the first piece I've published since Halloween. HALLOWEEN!! I'm so behind.

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